When it comes to something as important as your confidence, appearance and dental health, you deserve and need to know the truth. If you’re considering porcelain veneers in Chaparral, here’s what you need to know before making an appointment with a dentist near you.
Myth 1: Veneers will look fake and like a costume
People tempted to undergo cosmetic dentistry procedures are rightfully worried that the final result might look fake and cartoonish. Your dentist in Chaparral is just as concerned about the same subject. Porcelain veneers you’ll receive from your dentist are stark white because your clean and healthy teeth are not stark white. Rather, even at their very cleanest, your teeth fall in a spectrum ranging from grey-toned to yellow-toned. Before the veneers are even manufactured, your dentist will work with you to choose a colour of veneer that will match your other teeth and blend with your gums, lips and skin tone perfectly. Ironically, one of the signs of the best veneers is the inability to notice a veneer at all.
Myth 2: Veneers are only good for the “Social Six”
The term “Social Six” refers to the six teeth in the center of your upper jaw. Dental veneers in Chaparral are often applied in that region because they’re among the most visible teeth in your smile. But they’re not the only visible teeth in your mouth when you’re smiling broadly and they’re not the only teeth for which veneers are appropriate. When you smile most broadly, people can often see fourteen teeth: eight in the top arch and six in your bottom arch. Porcelain veneers in Sundance are appropriate for use to perfect the appearance of any of those 14 teeth.
Myth 3: Getting veneers is an invasive procedure
Unless you opt for thinner prepless or non-prop dental veneers in Sundance, your dentist will need to remove a very thin layer of enamel from your tooth so that the veneer can be placed securely without adding any noticeable bulk to your tooth. While that is a modification to your teeth, it is accomplished under a local anesthetic and requires the removal of approximately half a millimetre of enamel. Not only does the placement of porcelain veneers near you not weaken your teeth, studies indicate that porcelain veneers can improve the strength of your teeth and the protection provided to the dentin layer.
Myth 4: Getting veneers takes a long time
We recognize that there is a balance that needs to be struck between convenience and cosmetics. The best cosmetic dentistry options that require that you shuttle repeatedly back and forth to and from a dentist’s clinic may not be the best option for your life at all. Getting dental veneers near you, though, is a quick and convenient option that can be accomplished in two or three visits to your dentist, including for consultation and installation. Between those appointments, dental technicians will prepare your veneers based on impressions your dentist will take from your teeth.
Myth 5: Veneers are fragile and easily stained
Can you break or stain your veneers? Yes, you can abuse your veneers so badly by using your teeth like wrenches and drinking red wine without ever brushing your teeth that you might chip your veneers or even eventually notice stains. By the same token, though, you can protect your veneers from damage and stains simply by: avoiding habits like chewing your nails; resisting the urge to use your teeth like tools; wearing a nightguard if you clench your jaw and grind your teeth; brushing your teeth after eating and drinking (especially after eating and drinking highly pigmented foods and beverages), and by attending your dentist for check-ups regularly and receiving all recommended dental treatment; and having your teeth cleaned annually.
There is probably no single cosmetic dentistry option that is ideal for every person in every situation. If you’re curious about whether dental veneers are right for you, you should figure that out based on the true facts — not myths and misconceptions. Are veneers right for you? Ask a dentist in Sundance to examine your teeth and let you know.